Life is filled with a vast array of varying types of moments. You have moments of joy and moments of sadness; you have moments of victory and moments of loss, moments of accomplishment and moments when you feel as if you have accomplished very little. There are moments where inspiration seems to be bursting at the seams, and moments where inspiration seems nowhere to be found. There are moments when you feel as if you ate one two many chicken strips for lunch the other week and are struggling to catch your breath, and moments when no extra chicken strip is needed to have your breath taken away. And while moments in general seem to be in a never-ending flux, that ever-constant state of change that we all have come to know, we never seem to be found lacking that specific “moment”, regardless of whether it’s a dull one, or a moment triple wrapped with excitement. Because as one moment departs, another never seems to fail to almost instantly, yet ever so conveniently reappear on the other side of that revolving door that we know as “life.”
And while many try and wrap, and re-wrap, and re-re-wrap this idea of moments, (as I myself may in fact be doing in some fashion as I write this to you) the truth is, Solomon hit this nail on the head long before in Ecclesiastes 3, when he discussed there being a “time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.”
During these past 20 months here in Spain, I have had some great, yet challenging opportunities to try on a wide range of different types of life’s “moments”, as I am sure all of you have also respectively had in your own lives.
Arriving back here last month, I have had a chance to catch up with all that has been happening here in Spain. It’s been good to have been able to get back into the swing of things in terms of ministry, which has included things such as running a local soccer school in Granada, (video available on the website if you’re interested) carrying on the work with our local men’s team ministry, and preparing for a major National Sports Ministry Training course we’re holding here at the end of this month. Yet while this last month hasn’t failed to present it’s own batch of surprises and challenges, twists and turns, over these last few days I have had an opportunity to simply consider some of the “moments” during my time here in Spain.
Almost a year ago to date, as some may recall me sharing about, I watched a family close to me here in Spain very suddenly lose the father of their family to illness. I saw this family struggle through many moments of tears, deep agony, and heartbreak, as they walked through what I am sure will be one of the most, if not the most difficult moment in their lives as a family. And now looking back, I sometimes wonder how a season like that, one with such significant loss for a family, can be summed up in only a few simple words from Solomon, when he said; there is “a time to mourn”, “a time to weep”, and “a time to embrace.” At times it all seems far too simple for us to say. Not because it’s supposed to be, but rather because we seem to allow it too be, as we skip past each word, failing to recognize that each “moment”, each season that Solomon speaks of, represents somebody. Because underneath the mourning, underneath the weeping, and underneath that firm embrace, are thousands of people in desperate need of the healing that can be found only in Jesus Christ, regardless of whether it be in Spain, Russia, or Canada. Maybe it’s that widow down the road, the child who’s lost a father, or maybe it’s you.
For me, I’ve been challenged as I look back over the seasons and over the “moments”, to allow God to begin to put a face to each “moment”, and to bring greater understanding to these simple words of Solomon, something that Jesus so perfectly demonstrated during his time on this earth. Because at the heart of those times of struggle, as we begin to put a face to the seasons, we also are able to bear witness to those hearts restored, those deep wounds healed, that weeping turning to laughter, and that mourning transformed into dancing.
Please continue to pray for radical transformation in the hearts and lives of those here in the country of Spain.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.
Love ya all,
Matt Hama
Facebook: Tuscan Bullfighting Adventures of a Spanish Muchacho
• Ambassadors TREC training course here in Spain
o That God would bring the right people for the course
o Financial provision for costs
o That the people of Spain recognize this incredible opportunity to use Sports Ministry in reaching their country.
• Men’s team ministry
• Prison
o We are currently unable to enter because of sickness inside the prison.
• Wisdom and direction as my 2 commitment finishes with AIS this coming February
• Physical strength as I am using soccer as a ministry tool
• Relationships with the people here in Spain
• God’s continued provision prayerfully and financially