Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hey folks, well I am back in the action of the Spanish sort, flight went super duper, and although I am a little sick at the moment all is grande. We are now getting set to run a soccer camp here in Spain, and so that is our next event on the agenda. As we return here, we continue to pray that God would bring forth nationals from Spain to eventually take over the ministry, as that is the vision of AIS. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Much Love,

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, the final stroke of the clock having struck this past Saturday, the AIS summer soccer camps in the States have come to an end.  Well at least in terms of the actual camps.  Our final camp in Redmond, WA went incredibly well, and I have now recovered from my sore throat.  Thank you for your prayers.  With 260+ kids, we were really stretched throughout the week.  But God did some awesome works in the lives of the kids, parents and coaches.  Throughout the weeks, we saw many kids either come to know Christ for the first time, or make recommittments to their faith.  It was pretty darn sweet!  So with that all said and done, we packed up in Seattle, and headed back on a plane to the land of Ohio, where I am now cleaning up and organizing materials from the camps, and taking part in a meeting or two until I return again to Spain on the 17th.   However, before I jump into any exciting news regarding Spain, let me take a quick intermission, and tell ya a quick story.....

Ok, so on the final day of camp, Saturday, all the coaches gathered together for a little pool party, and a bar-b-q... (cause really what soccer camp would be complete without a final Bar-b-q?)  And after we decided that we would go for something the locals do called MIDNIGHT BOWLING.... Seemed like a solid idea.  So I jumped on board, and had a decent outing at the local lanes... Showed some of my bowling skills... Although it was 10 pin with the large size 3 finger holes in the ball bowling, my true colours were present, and I faired quite well....  However things didn't get "CRAZY" until, we were driving home at 2:21 AM, and as we approached our exit, a police car had another car pulled over.  So following the lead car, I pulled over the other lane, and quickly, yet calmly manouvered my vehiculary device back into my initial lane to make my exit.  To my surprise, an magnificent array of green and red lights sparkled behind me, however the green was actually blue, and there ended up being a big spot light in the middle of it all... I got pulled over...  So I carefully drove to the shoulder, like I had done it a hundred times before (i definately haven't) yet to my right was my Brazilian compadre....Who...well...His only experience with U.S police, is from the films, with guns and shooting, and pure crazyness.... So I look to my right, and there is my little Brazilian friend, hands high in the air, fearing for his life... Long story short.... Cop came up, told him to "PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN?!?!?!) And asked where we were coming from.  We replied, and he quickly sent us on our way... Alive and well... All and all, it's very interesting to see the responses by outsiders to moments of intensity.

Anyway, thats just a side story, I will be in the States til the 17th.  I would love to hear from you,
Much love,
Matt Hama