Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Carrots and Tomatoes...

Dear Team Members, Nov 4, 2009

Ya know, it really is quite exciting when you see the fruits of your labour. I am sure any farmer can tell you that. I can recall back to the days when my parents would bring in tomatoes and carrots from their very own garden. And well, what I specifically remember is the fact that these carrots and tomatoes looked somewhat different from what I was used to seeing in the grocery store, especially when it came to… let’s just call it, “growth development”. They just tended to be quite small in size in comparison to the results the rest gardening world seemed to be producing. Nonetheless my parents always seemed quite content and satisfied, regardless of the fact that the carrots or tomatoes were most likely never going to land themselves on the cover of “Gardener Monthly”, or whatever magazine avid gardeners tune into each month. And while I will vouch that my parents gardening has improved somewhat since those days (at least I think it has) I now look back and I finally understand that joy that they had over what may have appeared to some, as “a few small carrots and tomatoes.”

This past weekend, after a number of months of preparation for our nation wide Sports Ministry course, we finally held the event. And to some, what may have seemed like a small group of 25 or so people, (considering all the work that was put into making this event happen) I along with our team here in Spain, shared in that same joy that my parents had shared with me a number of years back. We were able to witness the fruits of our labour.

It was such an incredible blessing to stand alongside the team members, and watch people come from around the country to take part in what may have seemed like a “small gardening conference” in comparison to other events that have been held in the past. Yet it was exciting as we were able to share, teach, and learn during this past weekend, and watch God move in peoples hearts as they were practically equipped to use the tool of Sport to make an impact for Christ in their communities.

I believe at times, it easy to spend our days metaphorically “looking over at the neighbours garden”, wondering why we can’t produce the same results. However in doing so, I believe we often miss out on the very blessings that God has placed in our own lives. Because while our efforts may not bear the same results as our neighbour’s, I think it’s key that we recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from above, including what may seem like just a few small carrots and a tomato or two. And those gifts, whether tomatoes and carrots or fish and loaves, have a potential that goes far beyond what we are able to see.

Thanks for all your prayers and support.

And of course,

Love ya all!

Matt Hama

Facebook: Tuscan Bullfighting Adventures of a Spanish Muchacho



· Men’s team ministry as we begin the league this weekend.

· Prison

o We are currently unable to enter because of sickness inside the prison.


· Wisdom and direction as I begin to take steps in preparation for my new upcoming season of life.

· Physical strength as I have had a few injuries recently that have kept me off the field.

· Relationships with the people here in Spain


A successful Sports Ministry Conference over the weekend.

A successful Sports Ministry Conference over the weekend.

A successful Sports Ministry Conference over the weekend.

A successful Sports Ministry Conference over the weekend.

A successful Sports Ministry Conference over the weekend.

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