Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December Update

Dear Team Members,                                                                                                                                                Dec 8th, 2008


When looking at the biography of an individual, you see that each biography is made up of stories or events that have molded a specific person into who they were, or who they are now.  And as you look back over your years, if you were to write an autobiography of your life, you would most likely gather the events that impacted you in some form or another.  As you consider the moments in your history that you can recall, they tend to consist of a variety of things such as; a particular birthday or Christmas, a move to a new city, a grand adventure that you may have taken part in where God changed you, the day you faced a certain challenge in your life, maybe that of losing a loved one, or maybe you yourself were very sick at one time in your life.  The point is, each and every one of those moments impacted you in such a manner, that they have stuck with you over the years. 


So why am I talking about this in my update to you.  Well, the truth is, leading up to writing this, I had been wrestling with the question, what about the moments in between those events?  What happened then, what happens then?  Does God stop moving during those times?  Does He stop teaching us things, and speaking to us?  Doesn’t God provide each month with a moment worthy of biography status, so that come newsletter time for those such as myself, I might have something to tell you back home?  


Well, as I have been back here in Spain for the month of November, after returning from my African adventure, life has carried on.  I have continued to coach the youth team, play on our local men’s team, and carry on the work we have been doing in the prison.  Yet as I looked back over the month of November, with regard to what happened, I couldn’t pinpoint one specific event that stood out from the others.  I couldn’t name the one event that my biographer (if I really had one) would categorize as this months “moment”.  So what am I to share with you today?


Well, today what I want to share with you is simple; life.  Something that regardless of how we package it, is real to us all.  For me during this month, from simple conversations with the guys on the soccer team, to coaching each week and seeing small changes in the guys on the youth team, I have been challenged to see God’s hand in the small things, I have been challenged to see God’s hand in “life”.  The fact of the matter is, that while we may see and categorize certain moments as less significant than others, Christ continues to move even when everything appears to stand still.  God doesn’t stop working, as it is He who prepares us prior to those standout moments in our lives.  So while we often categorize certain moments as less significant, by doing so, we may be missing what God is doing.  This month, the challenge that I have faced, I want to also share with you, it is this; during the moments where you see little happening visibly, search God’s heart and find out what He is doing, seek to discover what amazing work he is up to during the “TV timeout”, in the midst of the moments that seem less significant.


In Him,

Matt Hama


P.S  With Christmas around the corner, I have the privilege of being able to come back for a visit during the holiday season.  I will be back in Williams Lake on the 21st of December hope to see you soon. 


Merry Christmas!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

November Update

Dear Team Members, Nov 4th, 2008

Well, I have decided that each month seems to carry on the trend of being busy each in their own respective way, so I will skip the whole “busy month” silliness, and just jump right into what has been happening here in my ministry over the past month.

As many of you were aware from my last newsletter in October, I was gearing up to head down to South Africa and Mozambique for a Men’s Playing Tour. And I will now take this moment to confirm that all that gearing up did eventually amount to my actual departure on the 12th of October, where I headed down to Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Heading down there, there were challenges that I faced. The weeks leading up to my departure, I had been struggling with a groin injury, not to mention that the Tuesday prior to leaving, I also landed on one of my shoulders at a training session. So leaving for the tour, I was somewhat preoccupied with these uncertainties that were dwelling in the back of my mind. For me, injuries have been a huge part of my testimony and God has used them ultimately for the glory His Name, and so I most likely should have been fully confident of knowing that He had my best interest at hand. However, I doubted, and was considering what role I could play on the sidelines, and thinking about the even greater disappointment I would have watching from the sidelines. Yet I was brought back to the verse I left with prior to coming to Spain; “Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass.” (1 Thess. 5:24) God is good. God is faithful, and He doesn’t leave you hanging. I played in 9 of 9 matches, and had a few bumps and bruises while I was there, but I played, and God was faithful, for He will always be faithful. 

So aside from the personal challenge that I faced, once arriving in South Africa, we stayed for a few days there and had a couple of warm-up matches against Leeuwkop Hope Academy (an Ambassador in Sport run academy in the local prison center, with a focus of ministering to and discipling young men.) where we had much opportunity to share and build relationship with the guys there. 

After our time in South Africa, we headed to Maputo, Mozambique, where the poverty was heartbreaking. In a country that is still very much recovering from it’s war filled history, we were able to play a number of matches, run multiple clinics for kids as well as coaches, and even run a sports ministry seminar for leaders in Mozambique, and ultimately share the Gospel of Christ with many there. During our time in Mozambique, we played on some of the most challenging fields I have played on in my life. But the one that sticks with me the most, was a full size sand field softer than a beach, covered in glass and various dangerous obstacles. While it was the worst field I have played on in my life, what broke my heart was the load of kids that ran out after our match, barefoot, with smiles from cheek to cheek as they chased around their deflated leather ball. We have been given so much…

God has placed tremendous vision in the hearts of those in Mozambique. The young man there, who is hoping to raise up an Ambassadors office, has an incredible dream for his country, as well as the churches of Mozambique. Where most see destruction and devastation, they see hope, they see opportunities for God to change their nation.

During our time in Mozambique as a team, we experienced many adventures and stretching moments, and through the duration of our stay, Jesus met us time and time again “in the least of these.” It was amazing how little was required to make a kid laugh, or to put a smile on a strangers face. Throughout the time, we were so incredibly privileged to be a small part, of the incredible work that God is doing in Mozambique. 

So from this time, what I take, and what I leave with you, is the fact that God isn’t just moving in the nations, but more importantly in the hearts of those in the nations. Whether we are in Mozambiquan or Canadian, lets allow God to continue to move our nations, beginning in our hearts.

Much Love,
Matt Hama (links to photos from the trip available here)


Hi all, if you are interested in seeing some more photos from my latest escapade down to South Africa and Mozambique, here are some links, where you should be able to view a number of various different photos.
 4 different albums.

Much Love,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mozambique Madness

Back From Africa

Hi Everyone, 
I have arrived back from Africa as of 2 days ago. It was an incredible time down there. We played 9 matches during the tour and ran a number of clinics. It was a stretching time, and was filled with little adventures here and there. I just want to thank you all for your prayers and support during my time down there, and I will be putting out my monthly update in the next short while here, so included in that will be more regarding my trip. Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a quick update and say thanks.

Much Love,
Matt Hama

Friday, October 10, 2008

October Update!

Dear Team Members,                                                                                                                                                Oct 10th, 2008 


With a busy September month now having come to an end, October has come, and ministry here in Granada is in full swing.  With the circumstances of last month, and the passing of the father one our Ambassador workers here in Spain, September was an incredibly challenging month.  However with the arrival of October, and having walked with perseverance through the last month, while October has still been busy, it has been refreshing to begin the new month. 


After committing to co-coaching an U-15 boys soccer team here in Granada upon my return, I have really been able to really settle in with that coaching role this month.  From beginning the year with only five players at our first two practices, we have come a long way and now have a team list of over 22 boys!  God has been incredibly faithful in providing the right guys for the team, and it has been a really neat experience to work alongside these guys and grow in relationship with them.  And with the pressures to perform at all costs quite apparent in the lives of these young guys, so many seem to have adopted the mentality that the only way to get anywhere is to cut corners, to always take the easy way out, and that nobody actually believes they will ever amount to anything.  We are excited for the opportunities that we have to bring a different coaching perspective to the lives of these young guys.  So, in light of this mentality that so many have taken on, we are challenging them to seek excellence but not at the cost of cutting corners, to recognize that good things aren’t always easy, and that each an every one of them is filled with tremendous potential.  We are approaching them not only as coaches on the field, but looking to use this opportunity God has given us to impact the way they live their lives on and off the field.  I am praying for God to move in the lives of these young men, that He might captivate their hearts, and that they may see God fulfill His potential in each and every one of them.


As I write you this letter, the time is quickly also quickly approaching for my departure to South Africa/Mozambique for an upcoming men’s playing tour on the 12th -28th of October.   I will be heading down to take join up with a team from England, and we will play a number of matches, run various clinics, and even have the opportunity to visit an orphanage in Mozambique.  I am incredibly excited for this, and for what God is going to do through the team.  While we are down there, I have the privilege of being the worship leader for the team, as well as the team Chaplain, in charge of organizing devotionals and organizing the sharing at the games.  As I head down there, I ask for your continued prayers for physical strength as I have been struggling to maintain fitness due to a groin injury that has been bothering me for the last number of weeks, as well as a shoulder knock that I picked up from training.  I will be sure to update you all upon my return.


Other prayer requests,

1.Mozambique team

-for God to be working in the lives of each player heading to Mozambique,

-spiritual and physical strength



Thanks for all your faithful prayers and support.

Much Love,


In Him,
Matt Hama

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September Newsletter

Dear Team Members,                                                                                                                                                Sept. 18th, 2008


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 3:1.  Typically when it comes to the seasons in our lives, we have somewhat of a numerical order in how these seasons should come into play.  We have the scraped knee, cap gun, cowboy hat, barbie doll and action figure season typically coming first.  A season filled with its fair share of tears and laughs, and all around some pretty quality moments.   Yet as these days draw to a close, the school bus soon arrives for first day of school, and a new season begins, one that is also filled with many chapters which contain a new assortment of emotional highs and lows; not necessarily more significant highs and lows then in the first season, just different (As I will be the first to say that I had plenty of life changing emotional highs and lows playing with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures and stomping in the mud.).  The school years are filled with successes, with failures, moments to learn, moments of change, and definite challenges present themselves over the years for both the children and the parents alike.  And as the climax of the school years arrives, and the backpacks and binders are exchanged for a grad cap and a finely fashioned certificate, the arrival of yet another new season is just around the corner.  Following graduation, some choose one path, while others choose another, and each embark on their own unique journey.  Once we arrive at this stage, we then have college options, career choices, weddings, families begin to grow and develop, job successes as well as failures, many moments of joy with loved ones, family vacations, and soon retirement sneaks up out of nowhere…. 


So probably by now, if not within the first three or four sentences, you were thinking, “this sounds more like a graduation address than a newsletter.”  I will agree with you on that, however, surrounding the whole idea of seasons in life, I have been really challenged on this as of late, especially with regard to the order they fall into place.  While the wedding season has begun to arrive just on time, and two of my good friends have recently been engaged, I have come to realize that the way we order the arrival of seasons commonly doesn’t match that of Gods.  And while many of you back in Canada will know this in terms of the weather this year, and the lack of transition there was between Winter and Summer, in terms of life’s timing, God has really been teaching me that His timing is so often different then ours.  In the last couple of weeks, as many of you were aware, the family that I have considered my family over here in Spain, recently had the father of the household pass away very suddenly.  So suddenly in fact, that within five days of being at his sons soccer match on the Monday night, joking around and making plans with my roommate and I for lunch that week, we attended his funeral.  The loss of him came as an incredible shock, and it has been an incredibly challenging time over here in Spain in light of this whole situation.  The family has had a very difficult time over these last couple of weeks, yet in all of this they hold firm to the hope they have, due to the fact that they know their earthly father is with their Heavenly Dad.  My roommate Phil and I have been spending much time with the family, and it’s been a very busy and stretching time.  I suppose in all of this, it’s often so hard to know how to pray for those who have lost so much, and in this, God has been teaching me, and growing me with regard to His timing, and His ways.  


Aside from all of this difficult time, things have been incredibly busy over here in Spain.  The prison ministry has started up again for the year, as well as our local club team.  We also recently completed the annual Spain soccer school (video and photos available on my facebook group and blog), which was yet another opportunity to see God moving like only He can, here in the hearts of the people of Spain.  Phil and myself, have also begun to coach a local U-15 boys soccer team, and we are both excited about the opportunities we have to get connected with Granada’s soccer community.  And coming up quickly here, I will be heading down to South Africa and Mozambique on the 12th of October for a soccer tour, so I am beginning to get geared up for that, something in which I am really pumped up and excited for.


The work here in Spain continues to grow, yet it is a slow process that requires patience.  Our prayer as a ministry this year, is that God would bring forth leaders from the country of Spain to eventually take over the ministry.  Please pray that God would rise up the right leaders and bring them to AIS Spain.  I ask for your continued prayers for physical strength as that always seems to be a challenge, as well as, that God would continue to teach me how to pray.


Thank you guys for all of your faithful support prayerfully and financially.

Love you guys!  You are AWESOME!


Much Love,
Matt Hama

(P.s the blog has been changed so that anyone can now respond to the posts, so I would love to hear from you.)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A few photos..

A few photos of the soccer camp, and a video of me up to no good...

A Crazy last couple of weeks...

Well, while the title speaks for itself, I want to reinforce the fact that the last couple of weeks have been crazy... It's been a time filled with challenges, and it has been really busy here in Spain. 

To start off, things got under way almost immediately after I returned from the States, as we had the annual soccer school here in Granada. There were around 15 boys in the school, and smaller number than we expected, but it went very well nonetheless. We were able to teach some soccer, but above all share Christ with the kids. 

I have also begun helping coach a U-15 boys soccer team, and its been a challenging, yet neat time building relationships with locals, and just seeing the football lifestyle from the inside.

However all that aside, with the soccer camp just finishing, there was a great tragedy in the Ambassadors family. Two of the boys who play on the local club team, one who has been helping with Ambassadors for the past 3 years, had their father very suddenly pass away. This family, has been the family that I have been closest with in Spain, and had been going to their house a number of times each week for lunch. It was incredibly sudden... On the Monday night, he was at the soccer field watching his sons play, and by Saturday he had passed away, due to a major case of Pancreatitis. It has been a very difficult time for the family, and you're continued prayers are much appreciated. 

All in all, I am continually being stretched by God in all of this, and am now preparing to get ready to go to South Africa and Mozambique in the month of October. 

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hey folks, well I am back in the action of the Spanish sort, flight went super duper, and although I am a little sick at the moment all is grande. We are now getting set to run a soccer camp here in Spain, and so that is our next event on the agenda. As we return here, we continue to pray that God would bring forth nationals from Spain to eventually take over the ministry, as that is the vision of AIS. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Much Love,

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, the final stroke of the clock having struck this past Saturday, the AIS summer soccer camps in the States have come to an end.  Well at least in terms of the actual camps.  Our final camp in Redmond, WA went incredibly well, and I have now recovered from my sore throat.  Thank you for your prayers.  With 260+ kids, we were really stretched throughout the week.  But God did some awesome works in the lives of the kids, parents and coaches.  Throughout the weeks, we saw many kids either come to know Christ for the first time, or make recommittments to their faith.  It was pretty darn sweet!  So with that all said and done, we packed up in Seattle, and headed back on a plane to the land of Ohio, where I am now cleaning up and organizing materials from the camps, and taking part in a meeting or two until I return again to Spain on the 17th.   However, before I jump into any exciting news regarding Spain, let me take a quick intermission, and tell ya a quick story.....

Ok, so on the final day of camp, Saturday, all the coaches gathered together for a little pool party, and a bar-b-q... (cause really what soccer camp would be complete without a final Bar-b-q?)  And after we decided that we would go for something the locals do called MIDNIGHT BOWLING.... Seemed like a solid idea.  So I jumped on board, and had a decent outing at the local lanes... Showed some of my bowling skills... Although it was 10 pin with the large size 3 finger holes in the ball bowling, my true colours were present, and I faired quite well....  However things didn't get "CRAZY" until, we were driving home at 2:21 AM, and as we approached our exit, a police car had another car pulled over.  So following the lead car, I pulled over the other lane, and quickly, yet calmly manouvered my vehiculary device back into my initial lane to make my exit.  To my surprise, an magnificent array of green and red lights sparkled behind me, however the green was actually blue, and there ended up being a big spot light in the middle of it all... I got pulled over...  So I carefully drove to the shoulder, like I had done it a hundred times before (i definately haven't) yet to my right was my Brazilian compadre....Who...well...His only experience with U.S police, is from the films, with guns and shooting, and pure crazyness.... So I look to my right, and there is my little Brazilian friend, hands high in the air, fearing for his life... Long story short.... Cop came up, told him to "PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN?!?!?!) And asked where we were coming from.  We replied, and he quickly sent us on our way... Alive and well... All and all, it's very interesting to see the responses by outsiders to moments of intensity.

Anyway, thats just a side story, I will be in the States til the 17th.  I would love to hear from you,
Much love,
Matt Hama

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Quick Update and Prayer Requests

Hey everyone, well the coaching tour that I have been on is almost coming to a close this week. We are at are last and final stop in Bellevue Washington, and we are at our biggest camp yet...260+ Kids! It's great! It's been an incredible summer ( I will fill you all in on more details later) However, I just wanted to ask for your continued prayers, for the kids in the camp, as we are presenting the gospel tommorow, and also for me... As I type this email, I have a really sore throat, (I think a cold of some sort)...Which makes leading worship with the kids tough, as well as team worship in the morning... So your prayers are very much appreciated. Anyway, I best get to sleep here, big day tommorow. Much love, Matt

Monday, July 7, 2008

In the States, let the camps begin...

Hey everyone, in the world are you all doing?!!! I hope you are all doing exceptionally superb.  I would love to hear from you guys, so if you feel you have a few minutes to send me a message, it would be great to hear from any of you...  Anyway, things are really getting underway here in the States.  We have spent a week in coach training, just getting details and everything prepped for the camp week.  It was somewhat of a crazy week, as I discovered a group of about 15 Brazilians taking part in the coaching tour, didn't speak very much English... This turned out to be a problem, as the sessions are all in english... Therefore...Spanish being somewhat similar to portuguese, I ended up being the translator for a number of them, 6 hours a day... It was really a good opporutnity to brush up on my Spanish after not speaking it for a month, but it was also really tiring... All and all, I made it through that all, and we are now getting set for our first Summer camp...   It's been really neat, as all the coaches are housed with different church families throughout the week, and its an incredible opportunity, to just see how each family differs, as we try to encourage, and bless each family.  All that said, we are still in Cleveland, and there has been a slight change of plans with regards to my travel.. I am actually going to be running soccer camps in the Seattle/ Tacoma area, next week, and so I will be there for a few weeks.  I am really excited about these soccer camps, as I will be the M.C for each camp, as well as the worship leader.  So i am pretty stoked... So ya, all is well, its busy, but I am very excited to see God move, even amongst all the craziness. 

Love ya all, take care

write me if you have a chance,


Friday, June 20, 2008

Off to the States

Hey everyone, well things have been really crazy over the last month, and its been quite the challenge to get a little post up here. In the last month, I have temporarily left Spain, to go run evangelism soccer camps in the States over the summer... However, due to my visa running out prior to the date of the soccer camps, I have made a quick return home for a visit. Anyway, I am now taking off to Cleveland in the next week, and will be going to a few different States over the summer to run soccer camps. Once that is all done, I will be heading back to Spain. So ya, everything has been great, it's been good to be back and visit, however it's now time to get rockin again. Hope you are all doing purely sweet.

Love ya,

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Spain, England and Africa in one Day

Well, i just wanted to give you all a quick update on how things have been, and what has been happening in my neck of the woods.... Well... where to start... Tonight I just got back from a trip to England, Africa and Spain, 3 places in which i went to all in one day.....

Me and my buddy here, headed to a place called Ceuta, a Spanish colony in North Africa for the weekend to share about our soccer ministry and talk to some contacts about some future ministry opportunities in there city, and also to share with the youth. It was great time, as we were able to make some good contacts, play a match with some guys on the streets, share with the youth, and see some sights... After a good weekend in Ceuta, we headed back to Spain... .However since the buses and trains were finished running for the day, we decided we may as well stay the night in an English colony on the coast of Spain, called Gibraltor. So to Gibraltor we went.... And it was an absolutely crazy time there... We got there...discovered that there were no hostels open, and all the hotels were full.. so we spend the evening searching for monkies, because that is one of the main attractions to this English costal city. You will have to ask me about the story of our adventure.. But lets just say it contained.... A funny confrontation with a lighthouse caretaker... Some of the steepest hills I have walked in my life... about 23 Km of walking in about a day... rain...wind... a few Catholic Church's...A mosque... A construction site... Buses that dont stop at there stops.. One granola bar.. mountain climbing... and killer monkies... everything you need to make an adventure happen... Anyway, we got back safetly... We were definately stretched... But it was good. Anyway, we now have a womens tour here, and I gotta get a bunch of things done. I miss you all, and hope all is just fine and dandy whereever this update finds you.

Much love,

Monday, May 5, 2008

Tournament Crazyness

Well its been another crazy last couple of weeks here in Spain, however I haven't yet seen a the likes of a bull.  Not that I am particularily keen on finding a bull, but I just thought, to some extent I am not exactly living up to the title of this blog.... However I hope that you continue to bestow your grace upon me as I wait for my first encounter.....(which may still be awhile yet)  In any event, there have been all sorts of things happening as of late.  We spent last week and the week prior, preparing a soccer tournament that we as a ministry hosted.  So the week was more or less filled with visits to local soccer fields/courts, and spreading the word on the upcoming tournament.  The challenge was that we were only able to start truly advertising 3 days before the tournament date......Which seems like a short span of time... And in Canada there is no way that would work, however with some serious prayer, and only half the amount of teams signed up the morning before the tournament, God yet again provided, and we were able to host a 10 team tournament, and build some relationships with the diverse makeup of  teams that attended.    With the tournament wrapped up, I have now taken it upon myself to put some time working on my Spanish grammer....cause it's somewhat sad potatoes..... So this past week I went to search out a week long Spanish language school, where I could do just that.  Upon meeting the lady in charge, she put me through a quick placement test.... My conversational Spanish was good, but my grammer had definately seen better days... well maybe not.... But anyway it wasn't so good.  So with that said and done, I am now taking a Spanish course this week, and I actually have to go there right now, so I am gonna go do just that.  Maybe I will see a bull on the way.  
Be Blessed,

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spain Soccer Tour Part 2

Hey everyone, well the Spain Soccer Tour has finished up as of yesterday, and it was an amazing 10 days.  The team consisted of 17 players from Canada, Trinidad and Tobego, Mexico, U.S.A and the majority from England.  It was an amazing time, as we played matches at a drug rehab center, had tournaments at the prison on two different days, and had matches against some local semi-professional clubs.  It was amazing how God worked not only in the hearts of the people we played against, but also in the various players lives.  Throughout the week, we stayed at a local businessman's home who has built an addition onto his house for missionaries passing through.  For the tour I was the worship leader, which was a really enjoyable expereince for me, as I had many opportunities to share with the players.  As the week progressed and the various activities took place, I was exercised not only physically through sport, but spiritually, as we interacted and shared with many non-Christian soccer players.  However, throughout the week the most impacting moment was going into the prison to play.  For me it was quite a new experience, as I have been waiting on paperwork, and therefore it was my first visit to prison.  Entering into the prison, and walking through all the high security is a very different feeling.  Walking through metal detectors, passing through the various security check points with my soccer shoes in hand, gave it a somewhat surreal feeling....  We went in a played several matches against the prisoners competing with them, yet building relationship at the same time.  Through this all, we were able to give testimonies after the games and share with the prisoners the love of Jesus.    The fact is with stereotypes already established compliments of Hollywood and the latest T.V series Prison break, going into prison was very eyeopening.  Although many of the stereotypes you envision are visible in some form or another, at the same time there are dynamics you witness that our stereotypes tend to pass by.  Going into a prison to play soccer, many would probably figure it would be in the best interest of those going in to were extra large shinpads, and to expect that after a solid tackle, you may get punched as soon as the recipient as time to get up.  However we met all sorts of very diverse people, who weren't scary, but actually very kind on and off the field.  People, who are serving time for mistakes they may have made in the past, and others who are there unjustly due to the speed at which the Spanish Government operates.  But no matter where they come from or where they are the need for Christ remains.  The tour went great, and throughout the tour we were able to plant seeds, which was the most important thing.  Despite the fact that some of the ground may have been harder than others, that's not for us to worry about, God takes care of that.  Whether in Spain or Canada, we are all called to plant seeds, and plant them faithfully.  Only God knows the true state of the ground in which they fall, and He can make the hardest soil fertile.  Thanks for your prayers and support.
Love ya all

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spain Soccer Tour

Hey everyone, I just have a chance to write you a short message here right now, so I am going to take it. We have kicked off our Spain Soccer Tour as of Saturday. All the guys have arrived, and we are playing lots. Yesterday we went and played a few matches at a drug rehabilitation center, where we played and then had a message after. It was really great to spend time with the guys there as many of them had just recently checked into the center. Today we went to training and there were some guys already playing, so we joined up wtih them and we were able to share a bit. The tour is just getting going, and I have a slight injury. Your prayers are much appreciated. Sorry this is short, but I will post another message to let you know how things went, as we have many matches to play, and a busy week ahead of us.
Love you all, Miss ya,

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Me at the Int. Office
Processionals During Semana Santa

A Cathedral in Granada

Monday, March 31, 2008

Squeeky wheels and Grocery shopping

Ok, so here's a little funny story, and a tad bit of advice for all you first time shoppers.  As I am learning to shop for groceries on my own, I have run into a few funny circumstances that were in the category of being really quite annoying at the time, but good for a story later on.  Anyway, today I returned to my beloved grocery provider.  Only to find that the one cart I decided to take for a spin that day, seemed to sound as if they put a dying cat in 3 out of the four wheels... So as I paraded my 3 dying cats and one wheeled shopping cart, the young Canadian boy was the head turner of the grocery store...Which just happened to be a tad bit busier than usual on this beloved day.  For those of you who have ever grown up with a rusty car, noisy, old vehicle, will understand definately how I felt.  (which I also can understand, when my family used to own this old dodge car that I felt embarassed to get picked up in...nothing against your purchase Dad, but that old brown car with the rust above the wheelwells just wasn't the most crowd appealing car...)  But ya, it was junky cart... That's for sure... So ya, I headed aisle to aisle, with my family dying cats hiding in my cart, I figured today was as good of a day as any to look for q-tips..... Bad Idea.... Q-tips, just like Oatmeal is very hard to find in this particular grocery store... And as I searched high and low for them... I realized that I had no idea as to contents of the products conveniently stacked around me... Who knew that the womens hygeine product aisle was the one I would find myself searching for q-tips in that day.... And we also all must remember my cart selection that day didn't make for my to easily escape this particular aisle unnoticed whatsoever... So there I was Mr. Squeeky cart, and my family of injured cats, or birds or some rediculous animal, trying to escape the aisle that I no man is ever supposed to have to go down...  So if anyone says God doesn't have a sense of humour, I must contest.  Anyway, those are my few helpful hints for all you greenhorn shoppers.  Happy Shopping...

P.S I never found my q-tips....

An Ironic Week...

Well, its been another week and a bit in the land of Spain, and it's been full of crazy business. I apologize that i haven't been able to write up on here this past week, things like I said have just been a little crazy as I settle in, but I plan on writing once a week from now on.( so that's the plan... but in that event that some funny business upends that plan, I will write you ASAP...following that funny business.) Anyway, since we I last wrote much has happened. I am learning to adapt to life here in Spain, which is much different from that of North America. The myth about everything in the city shutting down between 2-5 for a nap is true. And life is a lot more laid back, and slow paced. Trying to get things done takes much patience, but it's great for character building. So if you're looking to do some of that, this is your country.

During my first week here, I arrived during Semana Santa (or Holy Week). It was incredibly busy, but very eye opening. Catholocism in Spain is very heavy throughout the culture and historically it's very widespread throughout the Spanish people. The lives of the people are very fixated around this holiday, as the Catholic church's are heavily visited, and the streets of filled with masses of people attending processionals. (Which is a special sort of parade made up of marching musicians, and at the climax, giant monuments carried on the backs of young men for miles each night throughout the streets.) The music goes long into the nights, and people flock to catch a glimpse of these monuments as they pass through the various streets. For me, as I watched this, it was very eye opening, but also very sad, as the hearts of these people weighed so heavily on these statues. And although it is tradition, and the various monuments are incredibly contructed, at the heart of it all its sad that so much of the hope of these people rests on these statues. People were crying in the streets, as men wearing pointe hats, with a very similar resemblense to members of the Klue Klux Klan led the parades. ( I am not quite sure the history behind that...but anyway) And Ironcially during this week, although it's supposed to be about repentance, and forgiveness, it's filled with much partying, alcohol and the very things that many seek repentance for. For many, I am sure their hearts are in the right place, but for so many more, it was so sad to see the lack of hope that they had during this week that was supposed to be all about hope..hope in our risen King. So many of these people live with the understanding of what took place so many years ago on Calvary, but so many miss out on that truly personal relationship with Jesus. Something I am hoping God uses me to share over these next years. While work here in Spain can be slow, and relationship building takes time, God has been really teaching me about the importance of serving in the small. From opportunities to build relationships with the fruit stand man on the corner of my street, to a couple of young Jehovah Witness socccer playing boys who came to my door for a short 45 minute chat, moments to create relationships are slowly appearing. There is so much hope that I wish to share with the people of Spain, and if soccer gives me an edge in doing that I am going to take full advantage of that. My heart is to bring that hope of Jesus to the many here, who know all about Jesus, but are missing out on the opportunity to know Him personally. Thanks so much for all your support and prayers.
Love you all

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Land of the Spanish....folks

Well, after an insanely long trip of crazy sorts, almost missing one flight, I am here in the land of the Spanish....folks!

What an long trip! haha, things are good though. After departing from Cleveland, I arrived in New York. My plane in New York, ended up being delayed on the airstrip.... For most cases this wouldn't be anything to fuss over, however in my particular case......I only had a 1 hour and 10 minute layover in Dublin before my flight (this is to go through customs and security and all....which in an hour and 10 minutes isnt a problem..) However we ended up being delayed for about 45 minutes in New York...Meaning it was time to see how fast Matt Hama could dash (...i say "dash", just because this is a case which called for something other than running.... dashing requires much more agility you see..) through the Dublin Airport. So after slipping around and stumbling here and there and getting laughed at by the odd Irish family, I made it to my next flight. And then into Madrid. From Madrid I had to hop a train, and pull out some Spanish dialect and then take a 6 hour bus to Granada. To make a long story short, I made it here and God placed some sweet Christian people along the way to direct me and lead me safely with all my luggage at my destination. (I even had an elderly Irish man give me a candy on the way, (which i didn't eat mom, its ok I still remember that rule;), but it was great nonetheless).

Anyway, arriving in Granada, I was a tad uncertain as to how my living accomodations would look. And as you all know, with my need for funnyness in life, I was a tad worried as to the personnas of my roommates and there interests. (pretty much whether or not we could joke together..) You see God is so good. First off, I have two roomates, one the same age as me, and the other is 25. And we have already shared many laughs in the few hours that we hae had together. One is an incredible musician, which is right up my alley, and the other one plays guitar as well...(so many a evening jam sessions will be on the horizon.). One is a soccer player, and they both speak English and Spanish. They are both goof balls and they are so hospitable. I feel at home already. And on top of it all, God even has one of these guys share the same favourite musician artist as me. Its incredible. God is faithful.

I want to encourage you all in this, that although God takes care of the basic things, I don't beleive He is a God who tells us to take what we can get and cut our losses. He cares about the little things too, and He is faithful in both big and little.
God's faithful
Love ya all, I'd love to hear from you

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Here and Gone

Hi Everyone, First off I want to just make it clear, despite the title of this blog, no bulls have been hurt during my travels...not yet anyway..jk...maybe..haha....Anyway, I have just finished my week in Cleveland, Ohio. We spent much of the days going over the details of life in the missions organization (Ambassadors in Sport...AIS), and just how life works. We spent one of the afternoons going down to the inner city in Cleveland and working at a place called the "City- Mission", that reaches kids in difficult circumstances. We were able to play soccer and games with the kids, but more importantly share Jesus. It was great. Also, we had an opportunity to have a kick around (a fun game of with all the guys in AIS during one of the afternoons. It went really well and was incredible how they bring God into soccer. We had prayer time to start, and prayer time to end. Very COOL!! So with that week in the books, tomorrow at 1:45 EST I am off to Spain...well with a few stops in between... But I am off nonetheless. I miss you all, and trust that things are rockin back home..or wherever this you.
Love ya all,
Matt Hama